Re: [dev] Surf development

From: Enno Boland (Gottox) <>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 09:36:36 +0200


surf has a little bit stalled the last few month. I got very few spare
time to work on it. I hope I'll get some time soon.

Regarding you're question: I believe surf should be a tool which works
everywhere the same. It is very easy to change keybindings by patching
the source, so no, I have no plans to make surf more customizable. But
I'm willing to include patches if I like them :)


2009/8/18 Jacob Todd <>:
> Is surf still being worked on? If so, are there any plans to have a config.h to
> customize surf?
> --
> Jake Todd
> // If it isn't broke, tweak it!

-- - Real Community Distro
Received on Wed Aug 19 2009 - 07:36:36 UTC

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