There will be a Glenda Camp in Sweden in spring/summer next year, will
post more details as the plans settle down.
Suggestions/requirements for dates are welcome.
A suckless conference in Europe in November is impossible for me, will
probably be in the US for IWP9 and GSoC mentors meeting.
January / February would be good as I will be traveling around Europe then.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Anselm R Garbe<> wrote:
> 2009/8/25 Dieter Plaetinck <>:
>> Hey,
>> do any of the surf/wmii/.. hackers attend conferences?
> Yes I do occasionally -- but my strategy is combining the conference
> excuse with some nice location ;) So conferences at locations I
> haven't been to have a higher probability that I might attend than
> conferences that always happen at the same place and the same time. I
> used to attend CCC "kind of" regularly, but I won't continue going
> there -- too political imho.
> Another plan is doing our own suckless conference later this year in
> Nov, for a long weekend or a week at some nice Mediterranean island
> like Cyprus. Such a con would be rather self organised and small,
> though it would need to fit into some rented house/finka location,
> perhaps with a swimming pool, and a decent internet connection for the
> participants.
> Kind regards,
> Anselm
Received on Wed Aug 26 2009 - 00:36:23 UTC
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