[dev] rule for floating gnuplot window

From: <stanio_AT_cs.tu-berlin.de>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 13:17:23 +0200


I can't figure out how to automatically make a gnuplot window float. Here is
what xprop says about it:

                        window state: Normal
                        icon window: 0x0
        WM_NAME(STRING) = "Gnuplot"
        WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "gplt"
                        program specified size: 640 by 450

and these are the rules I tried in my config.h

        static Rule rules[] = {
                /* class instance title tags mask isfloating */
                {"gplt", NULL, NULL, 0, True},
                {NULL, "gplt", NULL, 0, True},
                {NULL, NULL, "gplt", 0, True},
                {"Gnuplot", NULL, NULL, 0, True},
                {NULL, "Gnuplot", NULL, 0, True},
                {NULL, NULL, "Gnuplot", 0, True},
                {NULL, "Admin", NULL, 1 << T_ADM, False},

and further:

        %brujo| uname -a
        SunOS brujo 5.10 Generic_141414-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire
        %brujo| dwm -v
        dwm-5.5, © 2006-2009 dwm engineers, see LICENSE for details
        %brujo| gnuplot -V
        gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 4

Does anybody have a clue about what's wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Received on Fri Oct 02 2009 - 11:17:23 UTC

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