Uriel wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Robert C Corsaro <rcorsaro_AT_optaros.com> wrote:
>> Kris Maglione wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 08:00:11PM +0100, Moritz Wilhelmy wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 06:44:09PM +0100, QUINTIN Guillaume wrote:
>>>>> Why do you say that he is a fundamentalist ? Do you mean that he is
>>>>> right ?
>>>> A fundamentalist? Just like the suckless folks? :-D
>>> Very true.
>> There are fundamentalists the are wrong, and fundamentalists that are
>> correct. I _always_ choose the correct ones because choosing the incorrect
>> ones would be stupid.
> The only thing that really matters is to 1) know your limitations 2)
> recognize it when you find that you were wrong about something.
> It is no secret that once I thought XML and OO were great, but that is
> precisely why now I can much more strongly state that they are total
> worthless bullshit that should *never* be used.
> This is why I like garbeam, even despite our many disagreements, and
> that he usually denies that he could be wrong for a long time,
> eventually he almost always recognizes it when he was wrong, and
> learns from his mistakes.
> Changing your mind (*in the face of new evidence or understanding!*)
> is not something to be ashamed of, it is something everyone should be
> proud of.
> uriel
I agree with all your points in spirit. I would only like to point out
that I was obviously being sarcastic.
Received on Fri Nov 06 2009 - 21:29:40 UTC
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