Re: [dev] SWK: The simple widget kit

From: pancake <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 18:11:08 +0200

On 05/13/10 11:29, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
> On 13 May 2010 10:04, Szabolcs Nagy<> wrote:
>> On 5/12/10, Rory Rory<> wrote:
>>> Right now it's not obvious what the widgets actually are. The
>>> textboxes look identical to the buttons and it's hard to know where to
>>> type into.
>> don't care about the visual representation
>> that's the last thing you wish to design
>> the question is if the programming model is simple and powerful enough
>> * there is "box" and "event"
>> * each box has an event handler and that's the only thing that
>> determines the behaviour of the box (visual behaviour and internal
>> state).
>> * the event handler gets called with events that occured over the area
>> of the box.
>> * there is no parent/child of a box so you cannot pass events around
>> (as in most toolkits), you have to handle or ignore them
>> * the area of a box is determined by the toolkit, only the box layout
>> should be described (boxes per rows), so not just fixed resolution
>> pixel based representation is possible
>> btw if there is strictly one window per application (the container of
>> boxes) then the window can be a global variable, you don't have to
>> pass it around in every swk function and struct.
> I agree, SwkWindow could be removed from the signatures and be
> declared as global.
> Apart from that I agree with the question you raise and I don't have
> the answer either yet. I agreed with pancake that we go with this
> approach in the beginning to get a feeling if it's right. I think this
> thread is supposed to gain further insight and opinions from others as
> well.
> The main question is if the box/event model is right.
> Cheers,
> Anselm
Just for the curious people. A friend of me talked about another widget
kit i didnt knew. It's not suckless, but it is not as bloated as qt or gtk
are. Here's the url:

Back to SWK discussion..

Check t/ui.c and you will understand why SwkWindow is not global variable.

Do somebody noticed this file? I mean..the UI can be done not only by code..
also in ascii art. About the other questions..I think i'm not the right
to reply those questions :)

Received on Thu May 13 2010 - 16:11:08 UTC

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