[dev] wmii: Tagging from .wmiirc not working

From: Steve Ryan <gentleman.ryan_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 11:48:12 -0500

Hello all,
     I just downloaded wmii the other day and have been so far loving
it. Dynamic tagging is a wonderful idea! However, I've had one main
problem. Using the default sh version of .wmiirc, I haven't been able to
get it so that when I run, say, Thunderbird it's automatically tagged
'web'. Here's the relvent part of my .wmiirc:

# Tagging Rules
wmiir write /rules <<!
     # Apps with system tray icons like to their main windows
     # Give them permission.
     /^Pidgin:/ allow=+activate

     # MPlayer and VLC don't float by default, but should.
     /MPlayer|VLC/ floating=on

     # ROX puts all of its windows in the same group, so they open
     # with the same tags. Disable grouping for ROX Filer.
     /^ROX-Filer:/ group=0

     /Thunderbird/ -> +web
     /.*GNU Icecat*/ -> +web
     /Icecat/ -> web
     /vlc.*/ -> 2

Could anyone help me?

Received on Tue Feb 22 2011 - 17:48:12 CET

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