[dev] wmii noob key binding help

From: Eitan Goldshtrom <thesourceofx_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 23:50:14 -0500

Hi. So I read through as much as I could find on the subject of defining
my own keybindings. I can see how to do it from the 9P virtual
filesystem that wmii has setup, but I am under the impression that it
can be done more....properly?...via wmiirc_local and the local_events()
function. Unfortunately, whatever I try to put in there causes wmii to
not watch for any input whatsoever, and I get locked out from doing
anything. Could someone show me an example of how to, say, change volume
with amixer? I have the cli commands:

amixer sset PCM 4+
amixer sset PCM 4-

and I would like to bind those commands to Mod-Control-bracketright and
Mod-Control-bracketleft respectively, or at this point any key
combination really. Could someone show me how to bind those, for example?
Received on Wed Feb 23 2011 - 05:50:14 CET

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