[dev] [PATCH] dmenu: Add commandline-options to determine Xinerama-screen

From: Axel Wagner <mail+suckless_AT_merovius.de>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 21:11:47 +0100


if no -m option is given to dmenu, it infers it's xinerama-screen from
the mouse-position. On heavily keyboard-driven window-managers, the
mouse-position differs heavily from where the attention is sometimes (I
personally hate mouse-follows-focus, so when I change the focus via
keyboard to another screen, the pointer remains at it's position), thus
creating a somewhat unsetting experience, when dmenu suddenly appears on
the „wrong“ screen.
With the attached patch, -m can (additionaly to taking a number) also
takes „focus“ and „mouse“ as options. The latter represents the current
default behaviour, the former uses the center of the window which
currently has the input-focus to determine the screen.



Received on Fri Mar 11 2011 - 21:11:47 CET

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