On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Andreas Wagner
<andreasbwagner_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> Most people here seem more concerned with and interested in radical
> minimalism than modularity. Don't get me wrong, I think suckless
> software is on many points in the spirit of the unix philosophy. I
> just think the principles of composition and as a result modularity
> and separation are being neglected.
That's a bit of 'begging the question' there. There are no universal
'principals of composition'. Modularity is useful to a degree, but it
requires careful consideration to implement. That's what the
discussion of draw.c v. libdraw was about. "Separation" is
meaningless if your data structures are sane.
-- # Kurt H MaierReceived on Mon Jun 13 2011 - 15:54:09 CEST
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