Re: [dev] A dmenu that includes all additional features

From: Peter John Hartman <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 15:09:45 -0400

On Thu, Sep 08, 2011 at 09:00:31PM +0200, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
> Hi,
> in an attempt to get a dmenu that includes all features I want, I've been trying to combine patches from various sources to various versions of dmenu.
> This has proven to be a pain, as patches conflict with each other (or sometimes apply, but still break functionality) and/or loose compatibility with newer upstream releases.
> Interestingly, all of the features I want actually already have corresponding patches, it's just integrating everything that's so hard.
> Myself, I'm a bad C coder so I hope there are some dmenu hackers out there that share the same goal and can help out.
> Here's my list of features:
> * horizontal mode (i.e. dmenu as we know it)
> * vertical mode, with flag for how many lines long the menu can be
> * string matching (dmenu as we know it) and token matching (aka xmms-like and awesomebar-like)
> * toggle flag for stable sort: (should work with all matching modes)
> * stable: order matched results like they are ordered in the input
> * unstable: order by "best match" (match at beginning is better than in the middle)
> * case sensitivity toggle
> * custom colors
> * cursor and "unix shortcuts" (ctrl-e, ctrl-a, ctrl-w, ..)
> * traversing results list (going up and down) with arrow up/down and alt+j and alt+k
> * multi select
> * unicode support
> * paste support (from either primary selection with shift-insert and clipboard, maybe with ctrl-V)
> Dieter

I'm a lazy list reader, but aren't all of those already in dmenu tip? Can't
you list the features that *aren't* in "dmenu as we know it"?


sic dicit magister P
Collaborative Programme in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
University of Toronto
Received on Thu Sep 08 2011 - 21:09:45 CEST

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