Re: [dev] [dwm] [patch] floating window stacking

From: Anselm R Garbe <>
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 11:20:40 +0100

Hi Connor,

On 10 December 2011 03:07, Connor Lane Smith <> wrote:
> The dwm home page says "dwm doesn’t distinguish between layers: there
> is no floating or tiled layer." I've never really known what this
> means, because floating windows *are* stacked above tiling windows.
> And I find that really, really annoying.

I'm not convinced you use dwm like me. When I have to deal with
floating windows, I tag them specifically and then only view that
particular tag (for example when using gimp).

However, if some crappy app (browser, libreoffice, etc) creates a
transient popup, I don't want it to be behind my tiled windows,
otherwise I wouldn't even notice their existence.

The current approach has been in place since the very early beginning
of dwm, so I don't intend to change it in the ways you suggest. I
would rather add them to the patches section.

Received on Sat Dec 10 2011 - 11:20:40 CET

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