On 13/12/11 18:14, nxt7 wrote:
> Hello!
> Is it possible to make dwm to switch to the tag where application is
> started according to the "Rules" section of config file? viewontag
> patch works only with already started applications and does not suit
> for applications started through command line or file type
> associations from file managers. On this[1] forum I was told that such
> functionality is already present in dwm but I tried both vanilla dwm
> 5.8 and dwm-hg (without any patches) and found nothing similar to
> desired behavior. Can somebody explain the situation?
> ---------------
> [1]https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1025878#p1025878
Maybe using xdotool can help in that situation.
For example, if Firefox is started on tag 3 via config rules, then you
can spawn it with something like this:
SHCMD("xdotool key Super_L+3 && firefox")
xdotool emulate keyboard press for you.
Received on Wed Dec 14 2011 - 11:19:55 CET