Re: [dev] [wmii] widgets with graphics?

From: Suraj N. Kurapati <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 08:32:17 -0800

On Thu 22 Dec 2011 02:44:54 PM PST, dtk wrote:
> is there a way to have widgets in the status bar display images
> instead of utf8 symbols?

I gave up on this approach for DWM and used dzen2 as my status bar

(Pictured at bottom of this screenshot:

dzen2 supports XBM and XPM images, which I use from sm4tik's icon set:

Finally, the SVN version of dzen2 supports clickable areas, so I get
nearly the same level of functionality as I did with WMII's statusbar.
For instance, all of my statusbar widgets refresh the entire statusbar
after their click handler has been executed.

This makes it feel responsive. For example, if I change the current
song using my MPD statusbar widget, I want to see the new song title
immediately, rather than waiting for the next update (at most, 30
seconds later).


panic: can't find /
Received on Thu Dec 22 2011 - 17:32:17 CET

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