[dev] [ii] announcing uii - usable irc it

From: ilf <ilf_AT_zeromail.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 02:18:20 +0100

Since the dev doesn't seem to be on this list, I though I'd share it:


uii is a wrapper for the minimalistic irc client irc it.
if ii is not running and connected to a server, it will be started.

uii uses iiinotify, a shell script that uses inotify to monitor irc directory.
for messages not displayed in an existing uii instance, a notification is

./uii server [channel] [nickname] [password]

to quit uii, press ^D; alternatively, press ^C twice or ^O, then q.
to mark text or insert it using X11 copy and paste, hold shift.

uii depends on busybox, ii, inotifywait, lsof, nohup, pgrep, rlwrap, sed, sh,
splitvt and tput.
iiinotify depends on notify-send and uii.

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Received on Mon Jan 30 2012 - 02:18:20 CET

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