Re: [dev] [dwm] strange behavior with mupdf

From: Ivan c00kiemon5ter V Kanakarakis <>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 00:49:47 +0200

On 05/02/12 at 11:30pm, Uli Armbruster wrote:
> * Thomas Dean <> [02.02.2012 17:20]:
> > On Thu, Feb 02, 2012 at 14:45:42 +0100, Uli Armbruster wrote:
> > > Means, only after refocusing mupdf, it looks fine. It doesn't depend on
> > > this certain pdf file, it happens with all pdf files. It also doesn't
> > > depend on the layout I use. Using no layout (floating) it's fine.
> >
> > I have the exact same problem. This is the only annoyance of dwm for me.
> Ok, so this behavior is known. By the way, something similar happens
> with mplayer from time to time (not always, strangely). It can
> easily be seen, because then mplayer doesn't have a border.

this happens in monsterwm too. I tried to redraw the borders after a
configure request event and this seems to help, but it's not final.
if you open an mplayer window and then open/quit repeatedly a second
mplayer window, you'll see it happen.
it's easier for some reason to reproduce it with a second window, than
just one.

> Is there a hacking magician out there who knows how to fix this?
> By the way, just a comparision, monsterwm is based on - among others - dwm and it doesn't show this behavior. So maybe its sourcecode shows the answer. I'll ask the maintainer, if he has an idea.

Ivan c00kiemon5ter V Kanakarakis
Received on Sun Feb 05 2012 - 23:49:47 CET

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