Re: [dev] [ii] exposed password on process monitoring

From: Ivan Kanakarakis <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 22:25:58 +0300

On 19 April 2012 22:21, Kurt H Maier <> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:41:14PM +0200, Truls Becken wrote:
> >
> > True, PASS is cleaner because of the delay necessary with the nickserv
> > message. Key as argument sucks quite a bit, though.
> >
> for those following along at home, PASS has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do
> with nickserv or any of this other shit layered on top of IRC. PASS is
> a CONNECTION-LEVEL password that allows you to CONNECT to the server.
> while some systems embed a username inside the password, that is NOT
> NECESSARILY TRUE and frequently isn't.
> PASS has nothing to do with nickserv.
> nickserv has nothing to do with PASS.
> any server that uses data from the PASS string to do shit with nickserv
> is doing that on its own. many irc servers have ONE PASS that is shared
> among many users, who THEN identify to nickserv -- or don't use nickserv
> at all, but still use PASS.
sorry, I started this. thanks for clearing that up
also, as mentioned on irc, irssi can set PASS

> Why is this not filtering into anyone's skull?

*Ivan c00kiemon5ter V Kanakarakis*  >:3
Received on Thu Apr 19 2012 - 21:25:58 CEST

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