On 19 June 2012 16:14, Ruben Mikkonen <camu.umac_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> No need to develop swk, since we already have dmenu, which I consider
> the ultimate widget kit. A minute ago I added -n flag to disable it
> outputting (eg. passwords), so it really can be used as a web
> browser's widget kit.
> Attached file is the trivial patch to disable outputting for dmenu-4.5.
> On 6/19/12, pancake <pancake_AT_youterm.com> wrote:
>> On 06/19/12 17:11, Calvin Morrison wrote:
>>> All of that, to say - we cannot (and I don't think anyone does)
>>> pretend that surf's underlying core doesn't suck - glib is a
>>> nightmare to work with and Qt isn't much better. the whole g-blob is
>>> terrible, but we wrap it up and pretend it is pretty. I sometimes wish
>>> that there was a suckless widget set that worked well but only did
>>> that - widgets. Then it would be fun to port webkit to that widget set
>>> :-) ... anyway i'll stop tangenting.
>> http://hg.suckless.org/swk
>> feel free to contribute ;)
>>> Calvin
>>> [0] http://code.google.com/p/svte
But what does that have to do with things like implementing scroll
bars, multiline text editing and other normal things?
Received on Tue Jun 19 2012 - 22:24:27 CEST