Hi Maxime,
I created a similar patch some time ago. It makes the tags being shared among all monitors instead of having separate tag sets. Maybe this is something you are also interested in. The downside is that it introduces fundamental changes to dwm that probably break other patches:
Jan Christoph
-----Original message-----
> From:Maxime Daniel <ls_AT_maxux.net>
> Sent: Tue 17-Jul-2012 16:52
> To: dev_AT_suckless.org
> Subject: [dev] switch all windows from a monitor to another
> Hi,
> I wrote a patch which add a feature like tagmon, but with all the windows of the current monitor.
> "switchmon" permit to send all the windows of the current monitor to another one (and keep the tag set)
> The patch is attached
Received on Tue Jul 17 2012 - 19:07:16 CEST