I had problems with font set to
Line drawing characters and all non-english characters were replaced
with squares.
There were some messages in this mailing list with suggestion to use
Liberation Mono [1][2]. Liberation Mono looks ugly (for me) so I
looked for proper solution.
In fact there are no problems with Terminus. As README states "A lot
of characters are available only under X11/ISO10646-1
(UTF+8/Unicode)." But instead of using "make install" I had to use
"make install-pcf-646" so only ter-x*.pcf fonts are installed. This
way unicode Terminus fonts are used and there are no missing
Is there any way to make Xft use "ter-x*.pcf" files without removing
other ter-*.pcf files? Maybe that way we can return back to Terminus
as default font.
Received on Fri Nov 23 2012 - 19:58:59 CET