[dev][dwmstatus][patch] Add a simple net usage display function

From: Silvan Jegen <s.jegen_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 20:37:43 +0100

Hello everyone

I attached a patch adding a simple helper function that displays the
current up- & down-speed of the eth0 interface. It parses /proc/net/dev
to gather the needed information which seemed like the easiest way to
do it.

Since I am no C expert, comments, feedback and/or constructive criticism
is very welcome.

Please feel free to add the patch to the
http://dwm.suckless.org/dwmstatus/ section, if you think it could be
useful for someone.



Received on Thu Dec 06 2012 - 20:37:43 CET

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