On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Craig Brozefsky <craig_AT_red-bean.com> wrote:
> Andrew Gwozdziewycz <web_AT_apgwoz.com> writes:
> > Lisps are loaded with this sort of stuff, and while I love it, and
> > enjoy using them thinking about them, reading about them, they just
> > aren't practical for mortals who are used to PHP.
> You keep confusing simple and easy.
> http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy
> Many other things which "aren't practical for mortals" such as
> logic/functional/declarative programming, immutable data structures,
> agents, STM, and async channels are very simple -- even if they are
> difficult to grasp and map into previous experiences.\
You're right, I am conflating the two terms. And you are right in that they
are often simple.
They are not only simple, they make radically simpler programs. Taken
> together, they also enable programs that would be outrageously complex,
> and error prone in "easy" languages.
Right. One of the goals of tin is to make it "easy" to utilize these
"simple" things--and maybe that even means hiding them away. We'll see.
Received on Mon Jul 01 2013 - 23:45:27 CEST