"Roberto E. Vargas Caballero" <k0ga_AT_shike2.com> wrote:
> It is a complicated point. A lot of people like it a lot, and a lot of
> people hate it a lot, so I don't know what is the next step here. As far as
> I know there are these solutions:
> - Ignore the patch
> - create a wiki where publish these kind of patches
> - Create a new branc for it
> What should we do?
It is not complicated at all.
A lot of good additions to suckless.org went through the patch wiki[0]
before they were merged into MASTER. As much as I would love to
see scrollback in st's HEAD (I _do_ think it's the terminal's job, the only
good multiplexer is vim[1]), the wiki is the right place for now.
Received on Sat Oct 19 2013 - 11:45:01 CEST