I'm playing around with some code right now based on OpenCV and C++ (I
know I know, but all the graphics I've ever done was with opencv and I
couldn't find a quick start guide. It reads stdin for arguments and
supports 1 function (rotate).
I actually think a scripting language would be most suitable because
we can let the language and its interpreter work for us (basically a
modifiedb interpreter like pdb).
Is there interest in this?
I think a good feature (option) would be all mutable images.
On 2 December 2013 19:45, Johannes Hofmann <Johannes.Hofmann_AT_gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> you could also have a look at my old project
> http://flpsed.org/flimp.html
> It's a minimal graphical frontend for command line image processing
> tools. It tries to keep the results of the individual processing
> steps aligned, so you can compare the results easily by switching
> tabs.
> Regards,
> Johannes
> PS: be warned - it's C++
Received on Tue Dec 03 2013 - 01:48:16 CET