I would like to contribute the attached patch against dwm-6.0. It's an
improved version of another one I've found in the web: it better
follows the suckless code conventions and, more important, the
vertical alignment of the rendered text has been corrected.
I find pango a better option than xft because it supports chains of
fallback fonts out of the box, so you can use -for example- iconic
fonts as your second family: "DejaVu Sans, Icons 8". The Icons family
is a non-overlapping merge of Awesome and Ionicons fonts I've made for
my statusbar. In case you're interested:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ttf-font-icons/ (there is a
cheatsheet with the icons and their unicode points linked there).
This is not achievable using xft without further effort, don't be
mislead by the ability to use descriptors like "DejaVu Sans, Icons-8"
or even font sequences as alias in your fonts.conf. xft will pick one
font once and for all, not on a char-by-char basis.
How do I put this in the website, in case that were possible?
Best regards
Received on Mon Dec 30 2013 - 19:11:11 CET