[dev] [dwm] xtile patch

From: Carlos Pita <carlosjosepita_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:00:59 -0200


I would like to share this new patch I've written. It's akin to
flextile although there are some differences:

1) The code is much shorter, partly because it's intended to be
applied on top of pertag and partly because it doesn't deal with
nmaster stuff given that this is already included in dwm-6.0.

2) I've deliberately avoided deck like layouts (i.e. monocle in stack
variations). The reasons are given in the Digressions section of the
attached documentation file.

3) I've included additional mfact like controls for the master and
slave areas. This partially overlaps the cfacts and the stackmfact
patches, but it's not equivalent to any of them.

Here is an excerpt of the documentation:

This patch implements a generalization of the tile layout which adds
two attributes (direction and fact) to three areas (global, master,
stack). The global area is the entire allocatable visual space and
it's subdivided into the master and stack subareas.

The direction of the global area controls the position of the master
area relatively to the stack area and it can be one of `DirHor(0)`
(traditional right stack), `DirVer(1)` (bottom stack), `DirRotHor`
(left stack) and `DirRotVer` (top stack). The direction of the master
and of the stack areas are independently set and can be one of
`DirHor(0)` and `DirVer(1)`. This combines to a total of 4\*2\*2=16

The fact numbers indicate the relative size of the first
subarea/client along the direction of the considered area (i.e. width
for `DirHor` and `DirRotHor` and height for `DirVer` and `DirRotVer`).
A fact of 1 means that the first subarea/client is on par the rest,
while a fact of 2 means that its size must double the size of each of
the remaining subareas/clients, etc. So the fact for the global area
is similar to the traditional mfact in the sense that it manages the
relative allocation of visual space between the master and stack
subareas, while the fact for the master area stands for the relative
importance of the first master client against the rest of masters and,
similarly, the fact for the stack area stands for the importance of
the first slave client in relation to the rest of slaves.


Received on Mon Jan 13 2014 - 01:00:59 CET

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