Re: [dev] [proposal] Suckless Tox-Client as a Skype replacement

From: FRIGN <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 02:21:31 +0100

On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:22:27 -0400
Caleb Malchik <> wrote:

> After seeing Jacob Appelbaum's speech this morning beamed from Berlin to
> Boston via a conglomeration of Jitsi, Tor, and other tools, it's great to
> see work being done on a sane base to address this need. A suckless
> client is definitely something I could get behind.

Well Jacob is kinda biased when it comes to Tor, to put it lightly, but
this is another topic.
Picking up Tor in this context is actually a really interesting thing,
because it shows why decentralized networks are so important and secure
and why we really should consider Tox here over XMPP and other
centralized protocols (apart from the more obvious advantages).
Even Tor isn't absolutely safe today, considering the new leaks about
node-poisoning. However, this is just one more reason to be able to
specify the node-list yourself when you're using Tox.



Received on Mon Mar 24 2014 - 02:21:31 CET

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