Re: [dev] [proposal] Suckless Tox-Client as a Skype replacement

From: FRIGN <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:43:57 +0100

On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 07:29:54 -0600
Joshua Haase <> wrote:

> Have you checked retroshare? The GUI they bundle is quite bloated but I
> think it's library could be an alternative that does this. They say it's
> direct p2p connection and have VoIP. Haven't checked the code though.

Retroshare adresses a rather different kind of users and, frankly, I
didn't learn to love it while using it for almost half a year.
What bugs me is the lack of separation of core and interface, what you
already noted above.
Given it's so bloated und indissectable, it doesn't look like a way to



Received on Mon Mar 24 2014 - 14:43:57 CET

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