> You can use a search engine to look for key phrases
in error messages that will lead to hints on how to resolve issues.
That's pretty awful advice if he doesn't know any C. stackoverflow and
ubuntu-forums are not the place to learn programming.
> First of all: Don’t top post.
Bad rhetoric. If you want to say fuck off say fuck off to him already.
One line should be enough.
_AT_Henrique: learn C
not like I learned it though...
On 4/8/14, Bigby James <bigby.james_AT_crepcran.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 02:18:32PM -0300, Henrique Lengler wrote:
>> I downloaded and i installed the patch how is described on the website!
>> I received this message:
>> # patch -p1 < /home/henrique/surf-0.6-searchengines.diff
>> patching file config.def.h
>> Hunk #1 FAILED at 101.
>> 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file config.def.h.rej
>> patching file surf.c
>> Hunk #1 succeeded at 76 (offset 6 lines).
>> Hunk #2 succeeded at 144 (offset -1 lines).
>> Hunk #3 succeeded at 633 (offset -2 lines).
>> Hunk #4 succeeded at 899 (offset -18 lines).
>> I think that is a error no?
>> But i ignored it and puted the codes
>> static SearchEngine searchengines[] = {
>> { "g", "http://www.google.de/search?q=%s" },
>> { "leo", "http://dict.leo.org/ende?search=%s" },
>> };
>> in my config.h (that was clean). And i tryed to compile. But i received a
>> lot of errors!
>> I'm really confusing about do this!
> Ignoring error messages and then complaining strangers that something
> doesn't
> work isn't a good way to communicate. The purpose of error messages is to
> tell
> you what the problem is (in this case, the code hunk in the diff intended
> for
> line #101 failed to apply). You can use a search engine to look for key
> phrases
> in error messages that will lead to hints on how to resolve issues.
> --
> "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something
> completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." -
> Douglas Adams
Received on Wed Apr 09 2014 - 19:46:34 CEST