Re: [dev] [st] Blank lines not preserved

From: Eric Pruitt <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 14:34:18 -0500

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 03:14:02PM -0400, Nick wrote:
> Oh, I know why. It's because it's in the copy part, not the paste
> part; try "printf 'XXX\n\n\nXXX\n' | xclip" and it'll paste fine in
> st. I guess I don't copy much out of terminals using the mouse.

Yes, I understood the fault was on st's side -- the paste example wasn't
meant to be interpreted as pasted back into the terminal, but pasted

> > Is this a bug or deliberate design decision?
> A bug, presumably.

I would think so as well, but I've been wrong before; apparently
breaking color compatibility with practically every other terminal with
256 color support [is a feature][1], so some commentary from one of the
official / core maintainers would be nice.


Received on Wed May 21 2014 - 21:34:18 CEST

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