On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:39:39 +0530
Weldon Goree <weldon_AT_langurwallah.org> wrote:
> On that note, I'm now curious how this format would handle line
> noise/steganography. I'll report back if I find anything interesting on
> either question.
Okay, I did some short tests:
-- 1st test: waterfall.png (an example for a normal photograph)
718K Jul 17 15:33 waterfall.image.bz2
649K Jul 17 15:32 waterfall.png
-- 2nd test: bio_hazard.png (an example for line-art, where png shines)
9.2K Jul 17 15:35 bio_hazard.image.bz2
21K Jul 17 15:35 bio_hazard.png
In both cases, the imagefile+bz2 wins (due to reasons I gave in my last
mail). Compressing the png's with bz2 obviously has only a minimal
effect, because the compressor can't look through the interweaved
You can check out the files I used here[0].
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Thu Jul 17 2014 - 15:44:26 CEST