[dev] [st] [PATCH] Fix disabling of bold and fastblink

From: Michael Forney <mforney_AT_mforney.org>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:48:15 -0700

According to ECMA-48¹ 8.3.117, an attribute value of 21 is "doubly
underlined", while 22 is "normal colour or normal intensity (neither
bold nor faint)".

Additionally, 25 is "steady (not blinking)", which likely means neither
slow blink nor fast blink.

¹: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-048.pdf
 st.c | 10 ++--------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
index 546db41..0c917fd 100644
--- a/st.c
+++ b/st.c
_AT_@ -1718,11 +1718,8 @@ tsetattr(int *attr, int l) {
 		case 9:
 			term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_STRUCK;
-		case 21:
-			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_BOLD;
-			break;
 		case 22:
-			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_FAINT;
+			term.c.attr.mode &= ~(ATTR_BOLD | ATTR_FAINT);
 		case 23:
 			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_ITALIC;
_AT_@ -1731,10 +1728,7 @@ tsetattr(int *attr, int l) {
 			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_UNDERLINE;
 		case 25:
-			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_BLINK;
-			break;
-		case 26:
-			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_FASTBLINK;
+			term.c.attr.mode &= ~(ATTR_BLINK | ATTR_FASTBLINK);
 		case 27:
 			term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_REVERSE;
Received on Sat Jul 26 2014 - 09:48:15 CEST

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