Re: [dev] [RFC] Design of a vim like text editor

From: Marc André Tanner <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:33:38 +0200

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 10:12:46PM +0200, ale rimoldi wrote:
> hi marc andré,
> first thanks for your fine vis... i spent about an hour trying it out,
> while taking notes on what i'm missing...

Please share your findings.

> it misses too many features i use in my everyday work with vim, but it
> was a positive experience.
> i'll probably send my comments very soon...

Please do so, it would be very helpful.

> > Could some vim expert on the list tell me whether it is possible to
> > indent the next n lines by m levels in vim?
> >
> > All combinations I tried like: n>mj simply indent the next n*m lines
> > by one level.
> i can't say i'm an expert, since i use a small subset of vim features,
> but i'm for sure an heavy user.
> i would say that you don't really need an indenting of n lines by m
> levels.

I tend to agree. Nevertheless I was curious how it works.

> the resulting command is -- in my eyes -- a bit too complex. and there
> are simple workarounds that use general available features.
> the simplest one already works in vis. indent n lines (or better a
> "{" inner area) and repeat the action with dots (eventually correcting
> the exceeding indenting with u).
> this is in my experience faster than wondering which of n or m comes
> before the > and which after.
> and i think that you agree with me, that you should not have too long
> and to deep indents.


> the other workaround is to use == (automatic aligning) on the next n
> lines (or, again, on i{). which will mostly automatically do the m
> indenting you're looking for.
> personally, i only use == on single lines (or very few lines), but it
> should do what the n>mj you're proposing would do.

== will certainly not be implemented internally by the editor ...

 Marc André Tanner >< >< GPG key: CF7D56C0
Received on Thu Sep 18 2014 - 18:33:38 CEST

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