On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 09:40:56AM +0300, Yury Shvedov wrote:
> Yep! Sometimes I have the same glitches but It doesn't hurt me. But
> absence of an icon any time the client runs distress me. I have not
> much time to investigate this too but when I will, I would look to
> the code of something like trayer or stalonetray as an example.
I ended up solving my systray problems by writing a patch that treats
systray applications as special windows. I've attached the patch to this
email, but I wrote the patch on top of my existing patch set, so it will
not apply cleanly to dwm 6.x without some work. It's a bit kludgey, and
the patch was hastily cobbled together, but I will probably refine it
later. I first used the patch with trayer, but trayer [does not allow
you to specify the amount of padding between icons][1], and the default
padding is [way too thin for my tastes. On top of that, I ran into
[Debian Bug #749031][2] which is a non-issue with stalonetray.
Here's the stalonetray invocation I'm currently using:
stalonetray -bg '#000000' -d --icon-gravity NE --grow-gravity E \
--skip-taskbar --window-layer top -i 16 \
--kludges force_icons_size --decorations none \
--geometry 1x1-0+0 --slot-size 18
Received on Sat Mar 07 2015 - 20:30:04 CET