On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 16:28:18 -0400
Matthew of Boswell <mordervomubel+suckless_AT_lockmail.us> wrote:
Hey Matthew.
> Cool. Is there anything I could help with? I'm not asking because I
> want a release fast.
That's what she said.
> If I wasn't willing to clone from git and compile
> from source, I wouldn't be a fan of suckless software =).
> I really like the way suckless programs are designed and coded, and I
> would like to be more involved in the group. I'm willing to write
> docs/web stuff as well as code.
Check out the TODOs, for instance of sbase/ubase. We always need people
to test the programs for correctness.
We don't need fanboys.
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Sat Oct 17 2015 - 18:39:22 CEST