On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 16:32:49 +0100
Jan Klemkow <j.klemkow_AT_wemelug.de> wrote:
Hey Jan,
> I would like to organize an assembly for the suckless community at the
> 32C3. If you want to attend this to this assembly, reply on this mail.
> Unlike the last year, I won't organize an empty assembly. I will orga-
> nize one, if at least five people (including myself) promise to attend.
> In my opinion we should use this event as a possibility to hack on our
> software, like a hackathon.
just make sure it's not located next to OpenOffice. :P
Don't have the time to attend 32C3 this year, so I'm out.
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Tue Nov 10 2015 - 17:01:49 CET