Re: AW: [dev] [stali] Need musl based toolchain on stali installation

From: Michael Forney <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 21:55:16 -0700

On Oct 7, 2016 7:24 AM, "Bruno Vetter" <> wrote:
> yes, it's tedious and I understand that it's not crucial to have the toolchain statically linked. Trying to do so also brings up a lot of questions that I cannot answer easily. For example a statically linked linker apparently does not support an lto plugin. I have no idea if that would be acceptable for a toolchain.
> I might just go on with the existing toolchain as you describe. Thanks much for your help.

What "header file not found" issue did you hit with musl-cross-make?
I've used it successfully to build a native statically-linked
toolchain, although I ran into and worked around a couple of issues.

If you like, I have uploaded a pre-built toolchain[0] for my own project.

Yes, I believe LTO doesn't work with a statically-linked gcc/binutils.

Received on Wed Oct 12 2016 - 06:55:16 CEST

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