Re: [dev] [st] [PATCH 2/2] Keep end of lines in memory when resizing terminal

From: Josuah Demangeon <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 22:13:22 +0200

In-between tmux and nothing, there is abduco(1): only attach/detach features.

One could set some $ABDUCO to the session name, and if not set, attach to latest abduco session.

Here is what I currently use [2]:

if [ "$ABDUCO" ]; then
        printf 'session already active: %s\n' "$ABDUCO"
        exit 1

name="$(abduco | tail -n +2 | iomenu -l 10 | sed -r 's/[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t//')"

printf '\033[H\033[J'

[ "$SSH_CLIENT" ] && detach_key='^\' || detach_key='^Z'
[ "$name" ] && ABDUCO="$name" exec abduco -e "$detach_key" -A "$name" "$SHELL"

iomenu [3] is dmenu for the terminal (yet another).

Received on Mon Mar 27 2017 - 22:13:22 CEST

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