[dev] Re: [slcon4] hackathon

From: Anselm R Garbe <garbeam_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:11:05 +0200

Hi fellow hackers,

friendly reminder that we are approaching the deadline for slcon4
hackathon registration.

Anyone who hasn't registered yet should be quick to do so until

 ***15 June 2017***


On 13 May 2017 at 21:38, Anselm R Garbe <garbeam_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear fellow hackers,
> We are glad to announce the slcon4 hackathon[0] event on 2-3 Sep 2017
> in Würzburg, Germany.
> In contrast to previous years we won't conduct regular talk sessions
> this year and hence are not(!) calling for talk proposals.
> Instead we want to be able to spend as much time as possible on
> hacking during the event.
> The nature of the event will be more like a hacker camp than a tech
> conference this year.
> In order to arrange for a suitable location we kindly ask all of you,
> who firmly want to attend, to send us a mail to
> chairs_AT_suckless.org
> until ***15 June 2017***.
> Please also let us know your preference if you want to share the
> accommodation with the other attendees (we expect this option will be
> cheaper than last year) or if you prefer to arrange for bed and
> breakfast on your own. We will communicate the final location around
> mid of July.
> We also recommend to arrange your travel already, if you plan to
> attend. The arrival should be scheduled for Sep 1st and the departure
> for 3rd or 4th Sep.
> The closest international airports are Frankfurt/Main, Germany or
> Nuremberg, Germany. Würzburg is a 90 minute train trip from Frankfurt
> airport.
> **Members of the suckless.org e.V. are invited to attend our annual
> Mitgliederversammlung (general assembly) on 1st Sep 2017 night in
> Würzburg (exact location will be communicated around early August, we
> intend to meet in some Hinterzimmer of a nice Bavarian Wirtshaus).
> [0] http://suckless.org/conferences/2017
> Best regards,
> Anselm
Received on Fri Jun 09 2017 - 14:11:05 CEST

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