Dear fellow hackers,
We are glad to announce the slcon4 hackathon[0] event on 2-3 Sep 2017
in Würzburg, Germany.
In contrast to previous years we won't conduct regular talk sessions
this year and hence are not(!) calling for talk proposals.
Instead we want to be able to spend as much time as possible on
hacking during the event.
The nature of the event will be more like a hacker camp than a tech
conference this year.
In order to arrange for a suitable location we kindly ask all of you,
who firmly want to attend, to send us a mail to
until ***15 June 2017***.
Please also let us know your preference if you want to share the
accommodation with the other attendees (we expect this option will be
cheaper than last year) or if you prefer to arrange for bed and
breakfast on your own. We will communicate the final location around
mid of July.
We also recommend to arrange your travel already, if you plan to
attend. The arrival should be scheduled for Sep 1st and the departure
for 3rd or 4th Sep.
The closest international airports are Frankfurt/Main, Germany or
Nuremberg, Germany. Würzburg is a 90 minute train trip from Frankfurt
**Members of the e.V. are invited to attend our annual
Mitgliederversammlung (general assembly) on 1st Sep 2017 night in
Würzburg (exact location will be communicated around early August, we
intend to meet in some Hinterzimmer of a nice Bavarian Wirtshaus).
Best regards,
Received on Sat May 13 2017 - 21:38:58 CEST