I understand and and i use webkitgtk2.16.5. I have tried epiphany, and
it behaves just fine for me : i can't play youtube videos but at least the
browser doesn't freeze. With surf, it would be perfect. So i guess, it
is really surf...
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 09:01:01PM +0200, Quentin Rameau wrote:
> Hi,
> > Hello, i've built surf on FreeBSD, works fine except when there's a
> > video on the page (be it on a site like youtube or embedded in a forum
> > page), loading freezes and i just have to disable javascript
> > and reload to. But then link hinting can't work. Any idea ?
> This is a webkit issue, there was something about this in some release
> I think [0].
> When in doubt try with some other webkit2gtk-based broswers, like
> epiphany, and if you get the same issue it comes from it.
> Surf is just a wrapper on top of it, and while potential bugs can be
> found in surf, most stability/rendering issue aren't something surf
> handles.
> Try to contact the people there!
> [0] https://webkitgtk.org/2017/06/20/webkitgtk2.16.4-released.html
Received on Mon Jul 10 2017 - 22:03:28 CEST