Quoth Nick:
> Quoth Quentin Rameau:
> > Sadly, the webkit process is managing connexions, surf itself doesn't.
> Yeah, I thought that, it may be tricky to debug. This has persisted
> across the many versions of webkit2 I've used (compiling from
> source). I'm pretty sure it also happened with webkit1, but I
> haven't used that for ages.
> [snip]
> I'll have a look in the webkit tracker, and see what I can find...
I found the bug on their tracker, along with an annoying workaround:
Last time I dug around in libsoup/webkitgtk I found it unhelpful to
my mental health. Do I dare swim through that bog again?
Received on Thu Mar 22 2018 - 16:22:25 CET