Re: [dev] Yet another "sane alternatives" thread

From: Cág <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2018 09:32:08 -0600

Martin Tournoij wrote:
>> 1. Is there any network utility suite like net-tools or iproute2 but
>> sane and active? Or maybe net-tools was forked by somebody?
> Usually the stuff you want to do with these tools are limited to just a
> few tasks ("connect to wired network", "connect to wireless network",
> "scan for wireless networks"), so I write a small wrapper script that
> does these few tasks and run that. I don't really bother making it very
> flexible; if I need a slightly different command I'll just copy/paste
> it
> out of there.
> I do the same with stuff like xrandr since I can never remember how
> that works either.

I'll think of a couple of scripts, thanks.

> I just use PulseAudio. I don't like it, but it "Works Most Of The
> Time"™
> these days. It's better than a few years ago when I had to restart it
> at
> least once a day because the daemon got borked.

I guess I'll just try OSS on a sample installation when I'll have the

> Neither of these answers are especially satisfactory :-( The problem
> with both of these issues is that they're not easy to fix as they're
> tied in to the wider ecosystem (especially the audio part).

Thanks for taking time though!

Received on Wed Dec 26 2018 - 16:32:08 CET

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