Re: [dev] [dmenu] 4.9 segfault on input

From: Ivan Tham <>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 16:46:23 +0800

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:45:59PM -0800, Patrick Smith wrote:
>On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:33 AM Silvan Jegen <> wrote:
>> With the suggested patch applied, everything worked for me when using
>> IBus and in st we use a similar pattern to what this patch is proposing
>> (x.c:1007-1014). I am not sure why Patrick's IME (SCIM) is working in
>> st but not in dmenu with the patch applied...
>To be clear... the terminal I normally use is termite, not st. In
>termite, scim+anthy works fine for me. As a test, I just now did a git
>clone of st and built it. Result: scim+anthy does not work in st for
>me. It doesn't crash; it just doesn't do anything.
>If I were looking for a terminal program, I probably would not
>consider st because of this. But in a menu program such as dmenu, I
>don't care whether I can use non-ASCII characters or not.

st was fixed with some patches for IME recently but I am surprised that
dmenu could be used with IME, the reason I stopped using surf because of
the reason not being able to search using dmenu for chinese text.

By the way, Patrick. Why use anthy instead of mozc for japanese input? I
heard anthy is a dead project (from arch wiki).

Do what you like, like what you do.  -- Pickfire
Received on Sat Feb 16 2019 - 09:46:23 CET

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