Re: [dev] [st] Cannot display unicode characters for example '\U1F50D'

From: Danh Doan <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 14:00:42 +0700

Enan Ajmain <> writes:

> I now know what font is responsible for the unicode character being
> displayed in xfce4-terminal. It's called `Noto Color Emoji`. But if I
> put
> ```
> static char *font = "Noto Color Emoji:size=9:antialias=true:autohint=true";
> ```
> I can then see nothing. If I type something I see the cursor moving

st uses Xft and Xft doesn't support color fonts.


> around, but no text. So clearly that font only has symbols for emojis.
> In the end, I have decided not to use glyphs in terminal.

Received on Wed Feb 27 2019 - 08:00:42 CET

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