Re: [dev] suckless GUI

From: <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 01:44:22 +0000


For a 2D toolkit with _global scope_, the only really hard part is proper
unicode text rendering.

Since there is no suckless grade of such rendering engine, then there is zero
chance to get a suckless _globally scoped_ toolkit.

The one and only open source component dealing with this issue is one of the
worst c++ pile of cr*p I have ever seen: libharfbuzz (I think the top is llvm
followed by the new libcpp from gcc). This component is maintained by a team of
full time employees at google/redhat.

That said, you have also the EFL/enlightenment toolkit (don't know if you still
can disable the use of libharfbuzz and go basic roman script support).

I did code a long time ago an alternative of libharfbuzz, C API, that hardcoded for
roman like scripts. Then I could use GTK+ without the stench of c++. They
probably did change their API, that enough to break my code.

Received on Mon Mar 25 2019 - 02:44:22 CET

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