Re: [dev] [st][general] replace dmenu and other X tools by st

From: Tait Hoyem <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 12:55:02 +0000

Would this not have problems with dwm?
AFAIR, dwm doesn't have floating windows in the center of the screen. I admit I may have missed something there though.

I suppose the entire point of the suckless utilities is that they can be used in any environment. Let's suppose there is a setup where windows are unable to be centered, would we want to exclude those people from using a dmenu-replacement? Maybe an XMonad user, or someone running an OpenBSD manager decided to set up their system to explicitly *not* allow floating windows. This user would be completely alienated by this term-based launcher.

On top of that, it stops me from using different colors and transparency for my dmenu than I use for my terminal.

Perhaps I misunderstand?
Are you saying this could be a decent suppliment to the X programs? Or are you saying that these are actual viable replacements?

Let me know. I am interested, but I think there is a possibility I don't completely get you.

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, March 13, 2020 8:51 AM, Tobias Bengfort <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am surely not the first to come up with this[1], but I think many X
> tools could be replaced by TUIs running in st. Think about this quick
> example (dmenu replacement):
> tmpi=$(mktemp)
> tmpo=$(mktemp)(font rendering
> trap "rm -rf '$tmpi' '$tmpo'" EXIT
> cat > "$tmpi"
> st -i -g '60x12' -e sh -c "cat '$tmpi' | fzf --reverse > '$tmpo'"
> cat "$tmpo"
> The interesting thing about this is that you replace all the complexity
> of X (e.g. font rendering) with all the complexities of the terminal
> (e.g. ANSI escape codes).
> I believe there could be changes to st that would make this kind of
> usage simpler, e.g. an option for full-width or to automatically attach
> stdin/stdout to the command (fzf in this case).
> But the more important question at this point: Do you think this trade
> of complexities is worth it?
> tobias
> [1]:
Received on Fri Mar 13 2020 - 13:55:02 CET

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