Re: [dev] Checksums and Sig files for release gzip

From: Sergey Matveev <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2021 00:22:42 +0300

*** Sergey Matveev [2021-04-17 20:47]:
>>What is the preferred hash by Greta?
>What is that?

I was told offlist that (seems) you were refering to Greta Thunberg.
I suppose she would blame us all, because we are using cryptographic
hash functions for the things where simpler, cheaper and faster
specialized integrity check/error detection specialized functions
could be used instead. Although something like BLAKE3 is still
considered cryptographically secure, its single thread is 12 times
faster than SHA256 and scales virtually to any number of threads
(uses Merkle tree out of box).

Sergey Matveev (
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