Re: [dev] Minimalist software. Should I care?

From: Dave Blanchard <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 09:59:27 -0500

On Wed, 5 Jul 2023 11:56:58 +0300
Sergey Matveev <> wrote:

> >I did manage to open you article, although I had to use a VPN. For some
> >reason website doesn't load without it. Greetings from Russia!
> It is available only through IPv6. I use
> tunnel broker here to reach that non-legacy modern Internet world.

LOL! And here we have yet another example of the absolute nuttery of this community.

"Non-legacy modern internet world." Last I checked, the "modern" internet still runs on IPV4, not IPV6! It's only a few eggheads wearing pocket protectors who--in their frequent hitting of the crack pipe-- insist that IPV6 is any kind of widespread, ubiquitous standard and the "few people" still using IPV4 are somehow antiquated and backwards.

You really think I want every single atom in my house to be individually addressible and reachable by the outside world? IPV4 is one of the few reasons why my local computing resources can still have ANY privacy!

What if I told you the entire internet in general is garbage and all of you are fools for thinking it's anything special?

Received on Wed Jul 05 2023 - 16:59:27 CEST

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