Re: [dev] alternatives to C: Ada, Rust, Pascal

From: Greg Minshall <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 05:58:38 +0200

NRK <> wrote:

> I won't comment on the other languages mentioned because my view on
> nearly all of them is negative. But most of my "safety and ease of use"
> with C I've been able to solve by just building better "primitives"
> instead of changing language - which comes with significant cost such as
> having to adapt to new tooling, new ecosystem (which are almost always
> significantly less mature than C) and so on.

i guess my native language would be C.

for some recent project i ran into:
"C template library".  (i don't really know C++'s 'stl', so i can't
compare).  but, i found this (mostly moribund) project, once i sort of
figured out how to use of it, a fairly pleasant straight-jacket into
which to fit while coding in C.
cheers, Greg
Received on Mon Jun 24 2024 - 05:58:38 CEST

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