Re: [dev] alternatives to C: Ada, Rust, Pascal

From: Pedro Lucas Porcellis <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:47:42 -0300

On Fri Jun 21, 2024 at 11:45 AM -03, Greg Reagle wrote:
> I have looked into numerous language: Rust, Pascal, Ada, V, Hare,
> Zig, D, and others I am probably forgetting. I have not become an
> expert in these languages but read tutorials. And I have written
> small programs (like cal) in a few.

Of all languages presented here, Hare standout as one of the most close
linked to C. It is a language that is designed to be a better C, with
some of the features of C++ and Rust. While keeping the simplicity of C
and (intended) to have a very small and simple footprint/design too.
Golang is another language that is designed to be a better C, but it is
a bit bigger and more complex than Hare and has a wider ecosystem.
Received on Wed Jun 26 2024 - 05:47:42 CEST

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